Tutorials (R) Case studies Standard 2-D case Standard workflow on a 2-D data set. Performs variography and modeling, estimation and simulation, in a monovariate and bivariate cases. Spatial Indicies Indices of collocation between populations. Use of Continuous Underway Fish Egg Sampler (CUFES) for mapping spawning habitat of pelagic fish. Basic Objects Polygons Polygon definition and usage (for selection) Neighborhood Definition of the Neighborhood concept. This tutorial gives hints on the parameters of the Moving Neighborhood Basic Calculations Hermite Polynomials Perform the elementary calculation based on Hermite polynomials Random Directions Generation of Random Directions in a high-dimension space: Van der Corput sequence or Quasi-random model Multivariate Variograms Experimental multivariate covariance vs. variogram Spectral Sphere Simulation of second order isotropic random fields defined on the sphere using the spectral algorithm proposed in Ch. Lantuéjoul et al. (2019) Methodology Non-Linear Geostatistics Perform estimation using non-linear Geostatistics with a Gaussian Model on a point data set PPMT Projection Pursuit Multivariate Transform PPMT to Gaussian Mixture Projection Pursuit Multivariate Transform in the case of a Gaussian mixture Simulation of LMC Comparing simulations using Turning Bands and SPDE Cross Validation Example of Cross-validation calculation with various output formats Gibbs sampler Simulation of a Gaussian vector under equality/inequality constraints using the Gibbs sampler Homotopic / Heaterotopic conditional simulations What happen with missing values in a multivariate case? PCA and MAF Principal Component Analysis and Min/Max Autocorelation factors demonstration Scatter Plots Calculating and representing scatter plots or h-scatter plots Kriging linear combinations Co-kriging of linear combinations Graphics in 3D Representation of a variable on the skin of a sphere Spectral Simulations Spectral simulation of random functions Data Base Management Simulation Post-processing Performs proportions by post-processing on several simulations performed on the nodes of a Grid Data centering Performs centering of a Point data set on a regular grid (possibly rotated) SPDE SPDE Perform Estimation and simulations in the framework of SPDE Variable anisotropy Perform Estimation with non-stationary covariance (anisotropy following a spiral) in the framework of SPDE